Thursday, July 1, 2010

Aidan accepted Christ!

After many conversations with Aidan about Jesus, a wonderful church, sweet caring Sunday school teachers, and kids clubs this past week, Aidan accepted Christ as his personal savior!!! As Aidan said, "The angels are dancing in heaven now!" Our super sweet and super smart little boy definitely has know how amazing Jesus is and how he is the only way to heaven. I am so glad he has chosen to now accept him in his heart. During dinner he was asking some questions and talking about Jesus. Matt asked him a little bit more and then asked him if he would like to pray about the things he was talking about. He promptly told us he wanted to wait until bedtime. So, at bedtime, him and Daddy prayed with their heads bowed together while Aidan was in his top bunk. Then Matt told me to come upstairs because Aidan has something important to tell me. He was acting kind of shy and super cute and I was so excited to hear about his big decision!! I love you Aidan and I love the way you love Jesus!!

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