Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aidan's Spanish

Aidan has loved Spanish since he began learning it at Miss Claudia's. Well, he hasn't really learned anymore since he stopped going there, but that hasn't stopped our little man from speaking it. However, he just would rather make it up now. It is so stinking hilarious. He will basically just start talking or singing in made up words with an occasional Spanish word stuck in there from time to time. It actually sounds very realistic. Today I think I even heard amarillo when he was singing "in Spanish" while on the trampoline.

I was sitting outside with him reading a book, the Shack, and he asked me to read the book to him. I told him there weren't any pictures or anything and it was a grown up book with just words. He said, "Thanks ok mom, I speak Spanish."

Well ok then.... I love the way his mind thinks.

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